Today I worked on a polymer clay pen. Quick fact – they do not bake to a ceramic hardness, more like a hard rubber hardness. So, I spent four hours baking a pen when really it had reached its peak hardness at about an hour or less. But this is the learning process – trying things, seeing what works and what doesn’t, then applying those lessons in the next attempt.
Earlier this year, I did a 90-day challenge. The goal was to keep up a few healthy habits on a daily basis, for 90 days. And that pretty much failed. I did learn that I can complete a 30-day challenge, especially if I have a good reason not to stop or take a day off. The last month of the 90-days was the hardest time. I was not disciplined enough to keep motivated and stick it out the full 90 days, but the first 30 days were pretty solid. So I learned that sticking with a 30-day challenge was easier for me.
So I’m concentrating on the next twenty-three days. I have a monumental task ahead, but I only need to stay focused for less then a month. If I fail, I will still have accomplished more than in the last couple of months, and no doubt I will learn even more about myself and my writing in the process.
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