My hopes and desires should not be reflected in my dreams, but displayed by my actions. Since March 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic was no longer a possibility but a quite real danger, my whole sleep schedule and work ethic has been thrown for a loop. The U.S.A. that I love and call home is […]
writing life
Practice Imperfect
Practice is not about reaching a destination. I heard “practice makes perfect” early on, when I was taking piano lessons back in my teenage years. Practice was a means to an end; practice a music piece until it was known. Then I wouldn’t need to practice it anymore, except to perform it or refresh it […]
NaNoWiMo 2019 – Lessons Learned
Once again, I entered November with the best of intentions, and did not come close to the traditional 50,000 word goal of National Novel Writing Month. I did create a new story with an outline, characters, and over 9000 words, and I learned a few things as well. From my time in the military, I […]
TSTW – Back from Critique
I received a critique back with some very constructive criticism. So, yay?
Blue pen, clay pen
First polymer clay pen. This stuff is much, much different from acrylics and wood. Mainly, it can’t handle the heat.
Away we go
But this is the learning process – trying things, seeing what works and what doesn’t, then applying those lessons in the next attempt.